
My work concerns the darkness behind the ordinary, the hidden behind the seen. My practice draws on psychology, pop culture, politics and the occult. My chosen point of view is that of the outsider or the alien. From this perspective I traverse the murky boundaries of our culture of excess. Weird humour, the carnivalesque and the macabre intensify the narrative.

I create artworks in series, using a variety of materials and craft techniques as well as the classic medium of paint. I also develop interactive projects that are whimsical, magical and forward-thinking.

My recent art plays with clichés of traditional family life and romantic love. The monstrous feminine is emerging as a recurrent theme.

‘A staggering array of exceedingly beautiful, powerful, subversive and disturbing yet darkly comic work, Sig Waller belongs to that small body of contemporary artists who have something important to say.’

— Paul Gallagher, Dangerous Minds

‘Freely embracing the darkness, Waller's transgressive visions are satirical and captivating, smart and alluring.’

— Paul Sorene, Flashbak

‘Sinnbilder fuer ein unsinniges Weltgeschehen, Visionen des Horrors, Allegorien auf eine ferngesteuerte Welt, in der jeder Anspruch auf Kindlichkeit besetzt ist. ’

— Lisa Grotz, Die Welt

Sig Waller

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